报告一题目: Materials for Photon Harvesting and Concentration for Photovoltaics
报 告 人: Prof. Ken Ghiggino
报告二题目: Time-Resolved and Fluorescence Anisotropy Imaging of Organic Photovoltaic Materials
报 告 人: Prof. Trevor Smith
报告三题目: The Viscosity-Radius Relationship for Semi-Dilute Polymers
报 告 人: Prof. Dave Dunstan
报告四题目: Synthesis of Small Molecule, and Pendant Polymer Chromophores for Light Harvesting, including Triplet Up-Conversion and Singlet Fission Materials
报 告 人: Prof. Jonathan White
单 位: University of Melbourne, Australia
报 告 时间: 2017年9月29日(星期五)下午13:30开始
报 告 地点: 主楼四楼学术厅(410房间)