


  报告题目:Giant Molecules Based on"Nano-Atoms": A New Platform for Engineering Structures at Nanometer Feature Sizes

  报 告 人:程正迪院士

  单  位:The University of Akron, USA

  报告时间:2014年8月12日 (星期二)上午9:30

  报告地点:长春应化所 教育大厦6040室


  程正迪院士1985年于美国伦斯勒(Rensselaer)理工学院获博士学位。1987-1994期间历任美国阿克隆大学助理教授、副教授;1995年美国阿克隆大学教授,高分子科学系主任;2007-2014年期间任美国阿克隆大学高分子科学与工程学院院长。曾获美国总统青年科学家奖(1991)、美国物理学会JohnH.Dillon 奖章(1995)、北美热分析学会Mettler-Toledo 奖(1999)。现为美国工程院院士,Polymer 杂志 Senior Editors。2013 年美国物理学会-高分子物理奖,2014年影响世界华人大奖。

    We present a unique and novel path in designing and synthesizing “giant molecules” based on “nano-atoms” for engineering structures at different length scales. The concept of “nano-atoms” denote to shape- and volume-persistent molecular nanoparticles (MNPs) with precisely-defined chemical structures, symmetry and surface functionalities, and they can serve as elemental building blocks for the precision synthesis of “giant molecules” via methods such as sequential “click” chemistry or other efficient organic transformations. Typical“nano-atoms” include fullerenes, polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS), polyoxymetalates (POMs), and folded globular proteins and others. The resulting “giant molecules” are precisely-defined macromolecules. They are size-amplified versions of their small-molecule counterparts. At this stage, giant molecules can be categorized to(but are not limited to) giant surfactants, giant shape amphiphiles, and giant polyhedra. Among these three classes,giant surfactants are constructed by “nano-atoms” tethered with flexible polymer tails with various compositions and architectures at specific sites. Giant shape amphiphiles are composed of covalently bonded molecular segments with distinct shapes and competing interactions. Giant polyhedra are built up by installing “nano-atoms” at vertexes of a polyhedron. Largely diverse, thermodynamically stable and/or metastable hierarchal structures are observed in the bulk, thin-film, and solution states of these giant molecules. Unconventional nanostructures can also be achieved in confined environments and/or through directed self-assembly. All the results demonstrate that MNPs are unique elements for macromolecular sciences, providing a new, versatile platform for engineering nanostructures that are not only scientifically exciting but technologically relevant as well.  

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