张真真 研究员








张真真,女,汉族,1991年6月出生于河南省安阳市。中国科学院长春应用化学研究所研究员。2012年7月本科毕业于郑州大学材料化学专业,2015年7月硕士毕业于中国科学院长春应用化学研究所高分子物理与化学专业,2020年9月于德国汉堡大学取得博士学位,导师为 University of Hamburg / Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Institute of Membrane Research 的国际嵌段聚合物均孔膜先驱者 Prof. Dr. Volker Abetz,其中2015年10月至2019年4月获得德国亥姆霍兹联合会全额奖学金资助。2019年4月至2024年4月,任德国亥姆霍兹联合会膜研究所助理研究员;2024年4月至今,任中国科学院长春应用化学研究所研究员。曾在Advanced Materials, Nature Communications, Journal of Membrane Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry A等国际期刊发表多篇论文。主要研究方向为高性能均孔膜材料,仿生纳米多孔膜传感与检测,生物药物分子的高精度纯化与分离,(生物)膜反应器,高性能合成橡胶。



1. Z. Zhang, L. Gao, A. Boes, B. Bajer, J. Stotz, L. Apitius, F. Jakob, E.S. Schneider, E. Sperling, M. Held, T. Emmler, U. Schwaneberg, V. Abetz, An enzymatic continuous-flow reactor based on a pore-size matching nano- and isoporous block copolymer membrane, Nat. Commun., 15 (2024) 3308.

2. Z. Zhang, A. Simon, C. Abetz, M. Held, A.L. Höhme, E.S. Schneider, T. SegalPeretz, V. Abetz, Hybrid OrganicInorganicOrganic Isoporous Membranes with Tunable Pore Sizes and Functionalities for Molecular Separation, Adv. Mater., 33 (2021) 2105251.

3. Z. Zhang, M.M. Rahman, C. Abetz, A.L. Höhme, E. Sperling, V. Abetz, Chemically Tailored Multifunctional Asymmetric Isoporous Triblock Terpolymer Membranes for Selective Transport, Adv. Mater., 32 (2020) 1907014.

4. Z. Zhang, M.M. Rahman, C. Abetz, V. Abetz, High-performance asymmetric isoporous nanocomposite membranes with chemically-tailored amphiphilic nanochannels, J. Mater. Chem. A, 8 (2020) 9554-9566.

5. Z. Zhang, M.M. Rahman, I. Ternes, B. Bajer, V. Abetz, Engineering soft nanochannels in isoporous block copolymer nanofiltration membranes for ion separation, J. Membr. Sci., 691 (2024) 122270.

6. Z. Zhang, M.M. Rahman, B. Bajer, N. Scharnagl, V. Abetz, Highly selective isoporous block copolymer membranes with tunable polyelectrolyte brushes in soft nanochannels, J. Membr. Sci., 646 (2022) 120266.

7. Z. Zhang, M.M. Rahman, C. Abetz, B. Bajer, J. Wang, V. Abetz, Quaternization of a Polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) Isoporous Membrane: An Approach to Tune the Pore Size and the Charge Density, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 40 (2019) 1800729.

8. A. Simon#, Z. Zhang#, C. Abetz, V. Abetz, T. Segal-Peretz, Atomic layer deposition enables multi-modal three-dimensional electron microscopy of isoporous membranes, Nanoscale, 15 (2023) 3219-3229.

9. J. Wang, M.M. Rahman, C. Abetz, S. Rangou, Z. Zhang, V. Abetz, Novel Posttreatment Approaches to Tailor the Pore Size of PS-b-PHEMA Isoporous Membranes, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 39 (2018) 1800435.


