段晓征 研究员









 段晓征研究员长期致力于带电高分子与软凝聚态体系前沿基础理论与模拟研究工作,先后发展了“静电作用”新型低标度分子动力学模拟算法和Monte Carlo模拟算法,并通过高通量模拟研究,发展了一系列新型能源、材料体系(如新型光敏/水敏/热敏/固态高分子电解质、PEM电解水制氢、钙钛矿太阳能电池、锂离子电池、燃料电池、芯片制造电子电镀、离子型催化剂等体系)的制备方案与构效调控策略,为相关实验研究及产业发展提供理论支撑。在Nature Commun.J. Am. Chem. Soc.Angew Chem. Int. Ed.MacromoleculesJouleAdv. Funct. Mater.ACS Catal.CCS Chem.等期刊发表论文70余篇,主持国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(培育)项目/面上项目/国际(地区)合作与交流项目/青年基金项目、中国科学院项目、吉林省科技厅项目、云南省重大项目子课题及横向项目,骨干参与吉林省重大专项项目、云南省企业联合专项项目等。入选中国科学院区域发展青年学者(2023)”、“吉林省杰出青年科技人才(2023)”、“日本振兴学术会希望会士(2017)”,获“Wiley中国开放科学高贡献作者奖(2022)”



1.   Le Yao, Chengjiang Lin, Xiaozheng Duan*, Xiaoqing Ming, Zhixuan Chen, He Zhu, Shiping Zhu and Qi Zhang*, Autonomous underwater adhesion driven by water-induced interfacial rearrangement, Nature Commun., 2023, 14, 6563.

2.   Zhi-Da Wang, Song Liang, Yuqing Yang, Zhen-Ning Liu, Xiaozheng Duan*, Xinpei Li, Tianbo Liu*, Hong-Ying Zang*, Complex phase transitions and phase engineering in the aqueous solution of an isopolyoxometalate cluster, Nature Commun., 2023, 14, 2767.

3.   Bailing Liu, Bo Hu, Jing Du, Dongming Cheng, Hong-Ying Zang*, Xin Ge, Huaqiao Tan, Yonghui Wang, Xiaozheng Duan*, Zhao Jin, Wei Zhang, Yangguang Li*, Zhongmin Su, Precise Molecular-level Modification of Nafion with Bismuth Oxide Clusters for High-performance Proton Exchange Membranes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 6076-6085.热点文章TOP5%

4.   Bo Li,# Xiaozheng Duan#, Dongming Cheng, Xinyu Chen, Zhixin Gao, Weibo Ren, Kui-Zhan Shao, and Hong-Ying Zang* Controllable Transition Metal-Directed Assembly of [Mo2O2S2]2+ Building Blocks into Smart Molecular Humidity-Responsive Actuators, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023, 145, 2243-2251. (封面文章)

5.   Zhentong Zhu#, Xiaozheng Duan#, Qiao Li, Ruiping Wu, Yesheng Wang and Bingling Li*, Low-Noise Nanopore Enables In-Situ and Label-Free Tracking of a Trigger-Induced DNA Molecular Machine at the Single-Molecular Level, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 44814492.

6.   Haiyang Huo, Wanchen Zhao, Xiaozheng Duan*, Zhao-Yan Sun*, Control of Diblock Copolyelectrolyte Morphology through Electric Field Application, Macromolecules, 2023, 56, 1065-1076.

7.   Xiaozheng Duan*, An-Chang Shi and Lijia An, Formation of ionomer microparticles via polyelectrolyte complexation, Macromolecules, 2021, 54, 9053-9062. (封面文章)

8.   Chengjiang Lin, Hao Wei, Hongfei Li* and Xiaozheng Duan*, Structures of Cationic and Anionic Polyelectrolytes in Aqueous Solutions: The Sign Effect, Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 1603-1616.(亮点文章/封底文章)

9.   Jicai Liang, Hao Wei, Kaifeng Yu*, Chengjiang Lin, Hongfei Li, Mingming Ding* and Xiaozheng Duan*, Structure and dynamics of ions in dipolar solvents: A coarse-grained simulation study, Soft Matter, 2021, 17, 6305-6314.TOP2%/封面文章)

10.Xiaozheng Duan and Issei Nakamura, A New Lattice Monte Carlo Simulation for Dielectric Saturation in Ion-containing Liquids, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 3566-3571.(亮点文章)





1.      新型低标度模拟方法发展

2.      带电高分子与软凝聚态体系高通量模拟研究

3.      高通量模拟助力产业发展