1. De-Wen Sun, Marcus Müller*, Process-Accessible States of Block Copolymers, Physical Review Letters, 118 (2017), 067801.
2. De-Wen Sun, Marcus Müller*, Numerical algorithms for solving self-consistent field theory reversely for block copolymer systems, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149 (2018), 214104.
3. De-Wen Sun, Marcus Müller*, Step-Shear Deformation of Block Copolymers, Macromolecules, 51 (2018), 8386-8405.
4. De-Wen Sun, Marcus Müller*, Fabrication of Ellipsoidal Mesostructures in Block Copolymers via a Step-Shear Deformation, Macromolecules, 51 (2018), 275-281.
5. De-Wen Sun*, Marcus Müller*, Living Polymer Systems at a Solid Substrate: Computer Simulation of a Soft, Coarse-Grained Model and Self-Consistent Field Theory, Macromolecules, 48 (2015), 6016-6034.
6. De-Wen Sun, Marcus Müller*, Interfaces and Interphases in Dense, Polydisperse Living Polymer Systems: A Comparison Between Computer Simulation and Self-Consistent Field Theory, Soft Materials, 12 (2014), S31-S40.
7. De-Wen Sun, Zhao-Yan Sun*, Hong-Fei Li, Li-Jia An*, Effects of Asymmetric Interaction Energies on the Microphase Separation Behavior of H-shaped (AC)B(CA) Ternary Block Copolymer Systems: A Real-Space SCF Study, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 19 (2010), 100-112.
8. De-Wen Sun, Zhao-Yan Sun*, Hong-Fei Li, Li-Jia An*, Study of morphology and phase diagram of the H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymers using self-consistent field theory, Polymer, 50 (2009), 4270-4280.