王晓辉 研究员








  19835月生于湖南常宁。中国科学院长春应用化学研究所研究员,博士生导师。20047月毕业于北京工商大学,获学士学位(生物工程专业);20101月毕业于中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,获博士学位(无机化学)。20152月在中国科学院长春应用化学研究所工作,任“药物化学生物学”课题组组长。主要从事精神活性物质的化学生物学研究和创新药物发现。承担重点研发计划子课题、“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目子课题、国家自然科学基金委、和中国科学院(先导B等)等多项研究项目;已在Acc. Chem. Res., PNAS, Nature Comm., Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., Chem. Sci., Br. J. Pharmacol., J. Med. Chem., FASEB J等国际刊物发表科研论文九十余篇,论文引用5000余次,研究工作被NaturePNASScience-Signaling等许多杂志亮点评述。获得多项国内外著名奖励的肯定,其中包括中国药学会-赛诺菲青年生物药物奖(2015)Migraine Research Foundation Award (2015)ISN (International Society for Neurochemistry)-CAEN Award (2016)APSN (Asian Pacific Society for Neurochemistry) Young Investigator Award (2016)、中国药理学会施维雅青年药理学家奖(2017)、英国皇家学会-牛顿高级学者 (2017年)、吉林省自然科学学术成果二等奖(2018年;排名第一)、长白山青年拔尖人才 (2021年)和中国毒理学会优秀青年科技奖(2022年);研究集体2020年获中国科学院长春分院青年先锋集体。现任中国化学会生物物理化学专业委员会委员、中国医药教育协会临床药物依赖性防治与评价分会副主任委员和中国毒理学会药物依赖性毒理学专业委员会委员。



1. Wang, Y.; Zhang, S.; Li, H.; Wang, H.; Zhang, T.; Hutchinson M. R.; Yin, H.*; Wang, X.* (2020) Small-molecule modulators of Toll-like receptors. Accounts Chem. Res., 53, 1046-1055.

2. Kornilov, F.D.#; Shabalkina, A.V.#; Lin, C.#; Volynsky, P.E.; Kot, E.F.; Kayushin, A.L.; Lushpa, V.A.; Goncharuk, M.V.; Arseniev, A.S.; Goncharuk, S.A.*; Wang, X.*; Mineev, K.S.* (2023) The architecture of transmembrane and cytoplasmic juxtamembrane of Toll-like receptors. Nat. Commun., 14, 1503.

3. Li, Y.; Wang, Y.; Lu, L.; Shi, J.*; Wang, X.* (2022) Non-small molecule therapeutics for drug addiction: from pharmacokinetics modulating to synthetic biology. Fundam. Res., Doi:10.1016/j.fmre.2022.09.027

4. Li, H.#; Peng, Y.#; Lin, C.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, T.; Wang, Y.; Li, Y.; Wu, S.; Wang, H.; Hutchinson M.; Watkins L.; Wang, X.* (2021) Nicotine and its metabolite cotinine target MD2 and inhibit TLR4 signaling. The Innovation, 2, 100111.

5. Peng, Y.#; Zhang, X.#; Zhang, T.; Grace, P.; Li, H.; Wang, Y.; Chen, H.; Watkins L. R.; Hutchinson M. R.; Yin H.; Wang, X.* (2019) Lovastatin inhibits Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in microglia by targeting its co-receptor myeloid differentiation protein 2 and attenuates neuropathic pain. Brain Behav. Immun., 82, 432-444.

6. Wang, Y.#; Peng, Y.#; Zhang, B.; Zhang, X.; Li, H.; Wilson, A. J.; Mineev, K. S.; Wang, X.* (2019) Targeting trimeric transmembrane domain 5 of oncogenic latent membrane protein 1 using a computationally designed peptide. Chem. Sci., 10, 7584-7590.

7. Wang, X.*; Northcutt, A. L.; Cochran, T. A.; Zhang, X.; Fabisiak, T. J.; Haas, M. E.; Amat, J.; Li, H.; Rice, K. C.; Maier, S. F; Bachtell, R. K.; Hutchinson, M. R.; Watkins, L. R. (2019) Methamphetamine activates Toll-like receptor 4 to induce central immune signaling within the ventral tegmental area and contributes to extracellular dopamine increase in the nucleus accumbens shell. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 10, 3622-3634.

8. Wang, F.#; Jin, T.#; Li, H.#; Long, H.; Liu, Y.; Jin, S.; Lu, Y.; Peng, Y.; Liu, C.; Zhao, L.*; Wang, X.* (2023) Cannabidivarin alleviates α-synuclein aggregation via DAF-16 in caenorhabditis elegans. FASEB J., 37, e22735.

9. Zhang, X.#; Peng, Y.#; Grace, P. M.; Metcalf, M. D.; Kwilasz, A. J.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, T.; Wu, S.; Selfridge, B. R.; Portoghese, P. S.; Rice, K. C.; Watkins, L. R.; Hutchinson, M. R.; Wang, X.* (2019) Stereochemistry and innate immune recognition: (+)-Norbinaltorphimine enantioselectively targets myeloid differentiation protein 2 and inhibits Toll-like receptor 4 signaling. FASEB J., 33, 9577-9587.

10. Wang, X.; Lin, C.*; Wu, S.; Zhang, T.; Wang, Y.; Jiang, Y.*; Wang, X.* (2022) Cannabidivarin alleviates neuroinflammation by targeting TLR4 co-receptor MD2 and improves morphine-mediated analgesia. Front. Immunol., 13, 929222.


