葛君杰 博士 研究员 博士生导师 先进化学电源实验室
电话: 0431-85262225
传真 : 0431-85262225
电子邮件 : gejj@ciac.ac.cn
自2005年起至今从事电化学和燃料电池相关研究,取得博士学位后,先后于美国南卡莱罗纳大学和夏威夷自然能源研究所从事博士后研究,以主要完成人身份参加美国能源部、美国海军办公室项目多项,在燃料电池关键材料批量制备技术、膜电极集合体性能优化、电池性能衰减机理研究方面取得了系列研究成果对燃料电池实用化有重要意义。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在本领域国际顶级期刊,如Nat.Commun,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed., Energy Environ. Sci., ACS catalysis,Green Chemistry, Nano Energy, JMCA, JPCC等发表了系列重要成果。
1.Zhu, J., et al.,Highly polarized carbon nano-architecture as robust metal-free catalyst for oxygen reduction in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.Nano Energy, 2018.49: p. 23-30.
2.Xiao, M.L., et al.,Microporous Framework Induced Synthesis of Single-Atom Dispersed Fe-N-C Acidic ORR Catalyst and Its in Situ Reduced Fe-N-4 Active Site Identification Revealed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy.Acs Catalysis, 2018.8(4): p. 2824-2832.
3.Xiao, M.L., et al.,Identification of binuclear Co2N5 active sites for oxygen reduction reaction with more than one magnitude higher activity than single atom CoN4 site.Nano Energy, 2018.46: p. 396-403.
4.Lv, Q., et al.,Pd-PdO Interface as Active Site for HCOOH Selective Dehydrogenation at Ambient Condition.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018.122(4): p. 2081-2088.
5.Luo, Z.Y., et al.,Chemically activating MoS2 via spontaneous atomic palladium interfacial doping towards efficient hydrogen evolution.Nature Communications, 2018.9.
6.Li, K., et al.,Enhanced electrocatalytic performance for the hydrogen evolution reaction through surface enrichment of platinum nanoclusters alloying with ruthenium in situ embedded in carbon.Energy & Environmental Science, 2018.11(5): p. 1232-1239.
7.Long, Z., et al.,Micro-Membrane Electrode Assembly Design to Precisely Measure the in Situ Activity of Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts for PEMFC.Analytical Chemistry, 2017.89(12): p. 6309-6313.
8.Li, K., et al.,Platinum nanoparticles partially-embedded into carbon sphere surfaces: a low metal-loading anode catalyst with superior performance for direct methanol fuel cells.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017.5(37): p. 19857-19865.
9. Zhu, J., et al.,Metal-Organic Framework-Induced Synthesis of Ultrasmall Encased NiFe Nanoparticles Coupling with Graphene as an Efficient Oxygen Electrode for a Rechargeable Zn-Air Battery.Acs Catalysis, 2016.6(10): p. 6335-6342.
10.Zhu, J., et al.,Strongly coupled Pt nanotubes/N-doped graphene as highly active and durable electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction.Nano Energy, 2015.13: p. 318-326.